Group work is the chosen term in this article for supervision groups, personal development groups and group therapy. These are facilitated monthly by Elizabeth Welch. The main emphasis of group therapy is on personal development. The success of professional and personal therapeutic development is that people can feel free to care about each other.
Being a member of group can be helpful for those who have previously experienced personal development, supervision and therapy, but this is not a rule. Members can help each other by listening to a disturbing problem or a professional concern which is being presently experienced by another member and perhaps relating their similar difficulties which have already been worked through. The skills taught and learned during group work are mainly based on CBT teachings and these can continue to be implemented by members after membership has ended. Under the direction of the therapist Elizabeth Welch members will be encouraged to give support to each other enabling them to resolve personal and professional difficulties, learn different behaviours and develop new ways of relating to others.
As your group work progresses you will feel able to speak more freely in psychological safety and express those feelings which have felt difficult to express. You will be encouraged to ask for the support you need as well as to tell people what you expect of them. You will be the one to determine how much you will disclose within group work, you will not be forced to tell your innermost thoughts. All groups are held monthly between 6-8pm and consist of approximately 6 individuals. To arrange an interview, or for more information, please contact Elizabeth Welch on 07743324519
Supervision group work for professional counsellors is an invaluable addage to individual supervision. Members can expect a forum for creating ethical sensitivity, implementing an ethical decision and formulating a moral course of action – hours count toward BACP accreditation. Invitation/attendance at these groups will be at the discretion of the facilitatior Elizabeth Welch.